Robert Neil Artist | News Archives - Robert Neil Artist
News Archives - Robert Neil Artist

Affordable Art Fair

The Affordable Art Fair kindly exhibited my work in Bristol after I won the Royal West of England’s ‘You Choose’ Award in 2015. Many thanks for their support, it’s great to get the work in front of a new audience.

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Members and Associates Exhibition 2015

I was proud to display my portrait of friend and past tutor Paul Bartlett at this year’s RBSA Members and Associates Exhibition.

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Art of Representation

Thanks to the London Atelier of Representational Art (LARA) for inviting me to exhibit my portrait ‘Jeweller’ at the Mall Galleries in December 2015. It was great show and fantastic to catch up with some old friends at the opening party.

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Royal West of England Academy 163rd Open Exhibition 2015

I am really pleased to be selected for this year’s RWA Open exhibition, along with a number of other RBSA Members including David Harbin, David Hawthorne, John Shakespeare and Kevin Line. 500 works exhibited from 2,500 entries – well done to all.

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Brumtastic Magazine Article – Click here

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Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery – West Midland Open Blog

The Dawning Dream – blog written by Phil Mellanby in conjunction with the 2014 West Midland Open Exhibition

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Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery – West Midland Open Blog

Excellent blog titled ‘Passing the Baton’ written by Phil Mellanyby who interviewed artists exhibiting in the Mueseum’s West Midland Open Competition.

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RBSA Birmingham and Beyond 2014

Fantastic opening night for RBSA’s Birmingham and Beyond exhibition. As part of this year’s bicentenary celebrations RBSA Members and Associates are joined by Honorary Members and Presidents of the UK’s Royal Societies. Thanks to all for exhibiting, it’s a great way to end a very special year. The exhibition ends December 24th 2014.

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Buy BP Portrait Prize Prints

Click here to buy print copies of this year’s artists short-listed for the BP Portrait Award. My portrait ‘Jeweller’ is now on tour with the Award and currently on display at Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens until the 16th November, when it moves onto the Scottish Portrait Gallery.

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West Midland Open

I’m chuffed to report that my portrait ‘John’ has been selected for the West Midland Open. Over 300 artists entered, of whom 66 will have one or more works on display at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery’s Gas Hall, from 24th October 2014. .

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BP Portrait Chaired Discussion

This is an image from the chaired discussion held at Cass Art where 4 BP Portrait Finalists discussed our work and techniques along with Michael Harding who demonstrated his new oil colours. From Left to right Liesel Thomas (Chair), Yanko Tihov, Michael Harding, Tim Wright, John Williams and me. A very enjoyable evening.

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Chaired Talk at Cass Art

On 12th August I am taking part in a talk at Cass Art’s Islington store with 3 other BP Portrait Award finalists, Yanko Tihov, John Williams and Tim Wright. The renowned colour maker Michael Harding will also be demonstrating and talking about his range of paints. The artists will discuss how to choose a subject, […]

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BP Portrait Award Film

This year the TV production company Lonely Leap has been given unprecedented access to the BP Portrait Award 2014 to produce a series of films telling the story of some of the sittings and documenting the whole cycle from submissions and judging through to the Awards ceremony, Press View and Opening. To view the films […]

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BP Portrait Award Private View Images

Images from the Press Preview and Private View  

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Birmingham Artist selected for ‘Portraiture Oscars’

‘The BP Portrait Award at the National Portrait Gallery is the portraiture Oscars.  For 34 years it has been the most prestigious prize in the genre.’ – Mail on Sunday, June 2013 I am one of only 55 artists who will show their work at the National Portrait Gallery in London in this year’s BP […]

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Royal Society of Portrait Painters Exhibition 2014

Images from the Private View of the RP show May 2014 .

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